Organizations of the future…

Complexity and chaos require a different set of thinking skills.

Where is beauty?
Systems Innovation and European Institutions – A reality based approach
What do you learn?
Systems Thinking is becoming fashionable, should we worry?
3 – Exiting the system
3 – Sortie de système
2 – Le moment du passage : La double boucle
2 – The moment of passage: the two loops
Strategies for a better system
1 – And now… what?

3 – Exiting the system

Reading time: 8 minutes. In the previous two chapters, I discussed the need to achieve alignment between what is good for us, our organization, and the planet. I also described two systems’ intersection, as when two elevators cross each other: one goes down (the existing system) while the other goes[…]


3 – Sortie de système

Temps de lecture : 9 minutes. Dans les deux précédents chapitres, j’ai abordé d’une part la nécessité de réaliser un alignement entre ce qui est bon pour nous, pour notre organisation et pour la planète, et d’autre part le croisement de deux systèmes, un peu de la manière dont deux[…]


1 – And now… what?

Just as the green wave of spring rises from the warmer parts of the planet to the north, a global realization is spreading: we can no longer continue as before. The global economy is going through the most “bizarre” period it has ever experienced in human history. Governments are dealing[…]
