What’s the point of being efficient?

Modern organizations need efficiency more than ever

Here are a few reasons, and you may think of more:

– People feel better and work better when they are efficient. If people in an organization are efficient, there is satisfaction about the work. People see how they contribute to the strategy and this generate motivation.

– By being efficient, people help the organization question its own efficacy and its effectiveness on a permanent basis. Otherwise, organizations can lose sight of their vision and strategy, and this lowers efficacy and efficiency. The measure of effectiveness impacts efficiency.

If people in an organization are not efficient, forget about efficacy and about reaching overarching goals. When people are not efficient, the organization turns back on itself by trying to find remedies to the lack of efficiency, which in turns leads to more control and less efficiency. At the end of the line, you have bureaucracy.

To be efficient means that you use your and your colleagues’ potential. You also need to nurture and protect that potential. The posts on efficiency in this blog are about how to uncover, express and develop your potential for efficiency. It is also about how to interact with your colleagues’ own potential. Finally, it is about your ability to lead (from wherever you are) your organization so that it in turn fosters this potential.

Au sujet de l'auteur

Stephane Baillie Gee

Stephane Baillie-Gee is a senior consultant. He works on advanced management and leadership in the scope of organizations of the future. He also helps bridging the communication gap between Western and Chinese cultures and organizations.

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